I love Thanksgiving! We had two great turkey meals. On Thursday, we ate with Nana, Poppy, and KK and they invited my mom and dad. It was good to all be together. Then today we had a meal with Mom, Dad, Kim, Aunt Martha and Jim. I got to help and that was fun. We all took naps this afternoon and then we went out to Walmart to help Dad get Adam's bike for Christmas. Don't tell him they got it for him. :) This wasn't Bucky's first trip to Walmart. He and Karen ventured out this morning and were there at 5. He said it was pretty busy. He got a couple things.
Tonight we all put up Mom and Dad's tree. Dad said many hands make light work. This is one of the earliest times they've ever put up the tree. Adam has had fun playing with everyone. Tomorrow Arnett, Amber, and Andrew are coming here to eat lunch. We are having Leono's. After that we are going to shop. The Walters family Christmas is tomorrow evening. We will go back to Jamestown after it. We have a busy Sunday and then the WILD CHAOS of December will begin. I'm often tired just thinking about it. Since Journey is early this year (12th, 13th, and 14th) I'm hoping that maybe there will be some down time before we come home for Christmas.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My little fingers can't type as I need them to in order to tell all that's been going on. Here are the highlights:
I turned 31 on Sunday without a hitch. I made Bucky sing me Happy Birthday at 11:30 p.m. when I realized no one had done that.
The Community Thanksgiving program was great. There was not child care, but thankfully Allison was there and Adam sat with her.
Bucky and I left right after school to go to Lexington to watch the Cats. They won! More fun than the win though was seeing Chris McClure. We were heading to our seats and hear, "Hey Buck!" It was Chris and his dad. We ended up sitting by them since there wasn't a huge crowd. We had such a good time visiting with him. I have no recollection of any plays or even the cheers because I was focused on talking. Good times. Afterwards we saw Bradley Dennis. His wife is pregnant and in the hospital on bedrest. Her water broke at 17 weeks. She will be at Central Baptist the way he talked until the baby comes in February.
We got home a little after 10. Adam was up. He and Mary had a big time. He went to bed fairly easy.
Today is the last day of school this week. Sweet Sugar.
Tonight is the major building effort for Journey to Bethelehem.
I turned 31 on Sunday without a hitch. I made Bucky sing me Happy Birthday at 11:30 p.m. when I realized no one had done that.
The Community Thanksgiving program was great. There was not child care, but thankfully Allison was there and Adam sat with her.
Bucky and I left right after school to go to Lexington to watch the Cats. They won! More fun than the win though was seeing Chris McClure. We were heading to our seats and hear, "Hey Buck!" It was Chris and his dad. We ended up sitting by them since there wasn't a huge crowd. We had such a good time visiting with him. I have no recollection of any plays or even the cheers because I was focused on talking. Good times. Afterwards we saw Bradley Dennis. His wife is pregnant and in the hospital on bedrest. Her water broke at 17 weeks. She will be at Central Baptist the way he talked until the baby comes in February.
We got home a little after 10. Adam was up. He and Mary had a big time. He went to bed fairly easy.
Today is the last day of school this week. Sweet Sugar.
Tonight is the major building effort for Journey to Bethelehem.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It's been a busy and fun weekend. We left out yesterday afternoon to go to Mammoth Cave for a leadership retreat. Adam got to go as well. Allison and Peggy (Ma Peg) went along for child care. Adam had a ball. They watched a movie last night and then today a park ranger took them out and about and they rode the ferry. Our sessions went fine. After we left MC we went to Glasgow to eat with Buddy, Sharon, Alan, and Darren. Adam as asleep. It felt like old times because he was so conked out we just laid him on two chairs and he slept while we ate. We hit Glasgow and Columbia Walmart to get rope lighting for Journey to Bethlehem. I picked up the potatoes I should have bought the other night. We got home going up for 4 and I cleaned house like a madwoman. Things had been wild Wednesday and Thursday. Bucky napped and Adam watched some TV. We ate potato soup and (gulp) put up our Christmas decorations. I don't think I've ever had the tree up in time for my birthday. Usually we wait until the Saturday after Thankgiving but the Walters extended family is that day so we thought we'd go ahead. Everything looks great. Bucky said he loves Christmas in this house, but really loved Christmas in the old house. Sweet.
On a hilarious note, I had my own personal paparazzi yesterday. Elio from WKU and a native of Peru is a friend of Roxann's. She asked me Monday if he could spend the day in my room. Sure. I figured he was an education major. Instead he majors in photojournalism and wanted to do a "piece" on me. This involved him interviewing me, photographing me, going to JCC, the daycare, and our home. Of all times the house to be a mess. I'm convinced that my house is always clean when no one is coming. Anyway, I can't wait to see the final project and I'll try to share it. A special shout out to Amy and Audra for watching my kids so I could leave early, pose for all of Elio's pictures, pack, and still make it to JCC on time.
On a hilarious note, I had my own personal paparazzi yesterday. Elio from WKU and a native of Peru is a friend of Roxann's. She asked me Monday if he could spend the day in my room. Sure. I figured he was an education major. Instead he majors in photojournalism and wanted to do a "piece" on me. This involved him interviewing me, photographing me, going to JCC, the daycare, and our home. Of all times the house to be a mess. I'm convinced that my house is always clean when no one is coming. Anyway, I can't wait to see the final project and I'll try to share it. A special shout out to Amy and Audra for watching my kids so I could leave early, pose for all of Elio's pictures, pack, and still make it to JCC on time.
Friday, November 21, 2008
White Boy CAN Jump
Believe it or not, I wrapped some Christmas gifts today. The thought is to take some of them to Cynthiana when we go home for Thanksgiving. We'll see how that goes.
We've had a busy evening. Adam and I had supper at McD's, went to Kroger, and then we both had haircuts. I didn't get Adam's as short this time with all the holiday pictures and cold weather. It looks great! Mine is the same cut only with a trim.
We leave tomorrow afternoon for a JCC Leadership Retreat at Mammoth Cave. Adam gets to go. They are providing child care. We will get back early Saturday afternooon. Sunday is church and then the community T-giving program. Monday night is a UK ballgame that we have tickets for. Wonderful Mary is coming here to watch Adam.
Here's today's sure sign that I'm losing it: Today at Kroger I bought ingredients for potato soup only to discover when I got home that I hadn't bought the potatoes.
It's snowing here! Woo Hoo!
We've had a busy evening. Adam and I had supper at McD's, went to Kroger, and then we both had haircuts. I didn't get Adam's as short this time with all the holiday pictures and cold weather. It looks great! Mine is the same cut only with a trim.
We leave tomorrow afternoon for a JCC Leadership Retreat at Mammoth Cave. Adam gets to go. They are providing child care. We will get back early Saturday afternooon. Sunday is church and then the community T-giving program. Monday night is a UK ballgame that we have tickets for. Wonderful Mary is coming here to watch Adam.
Here's today's sure sign that I'm losing it: Today at Kroger I bought ingredients for potato soup only to discover when I got home that I hadn't bought the potatoes.
It's snowing here! Woo Hoo!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Adam answered the phone today when I called to check on him. It's fun to talk to him.
After church today we had Bucky's small group over for lunch. We had chicken, homestyle mac and cheese, peas and rolls. I made cookies for dessert.
I have been napping most of the afternoon. I had a few phone calls in between but went back to sleep each time.
We have practice for the community Thanksgiving service tonight.
Adam will come home tomorrow. Bucky will pick him up in Danville and then I'll get him at JCC after school. I'll be glad to see him. I know he'll have tons to tell.
After church today we had Bucky's small group over for lunch. We had chicken, homestyle mac and cheese, peas and rolls. I made cookies for dessert.
I have been napping most of the afternoon. I had a few phone calls in between but went back to sleep each time.
We have practice for the community Thanksgiving service tonight.
Adam will come home tomorrow. Bucky will pick him up in Danville and then I'll get him at JCC after school. I'll be glad to see him. I know he'll have tons to tell.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy Saturday!
We have a ball last night. We shopped at Rivergate Mall. We'd actually been there before when we'd come to the NCAA tournament. I got some things at New York and Company. We used a gift card and ate at Chili's. We both had ribs. We did a little shopping at Target. Adam needed winter pajamas and we bought him two pair. We went and saw Fireproof after that. It's a Christian movie starring Kirk Cameron who has an uncanny resemblance to our friend Ben that I never realized. I cried through practically half of it. It's about a struggling marriage. I was very touching. After that we went to see the lights at Opryland. Breathtaking. The trees are covered in lights.
We are headed out for breakfast and then to Opry Mills.
Happy 1st birthday to Kendall!
We have a ball last night. We shopped at Rivergate Mall. We'd actually been there before when we'd come to the NCAA tournament. I got some things at New York and Company. We used a gift card and ate at Chili's. We both had ribs. We did a little shopping at Target. Adam needed winter pajamas and we bought him two pair. We went and saw Fireproof after that. It's a Christian movie starring Kirk Cameron who has an uncanny resemblance to our friend Ben that I never realized. I cried through practically half of it. It's about a struggling marriage. I was very touching. After that we went to see the lights at Opryland. Breathtaking. The trees are covered in lights.
We are headed out for breakfast and then to Opry Mills.
Happy 1st birthday to Kendall!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
We are here! Bucky has brought me to Nashville for the weekend. I was surprised since I didn't know our destination until we were only the parkway. We've checked into our room and are using the computers in the lobby. We're leaving after this to go and shop. We will go to the Opryland Hotel to see the lights and decorations sometime and will go to OpryMills mall.
Adam was excited to go with Nana and Poppy. "Only I to go," he told me.
Adam was excited to go with Nana and Poppy. "Only I to go," he told me.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
We love Adam!
Quick Tidbits from Adam's Checkup
Weight: 35 pounds (85-90th percentile)
Height: 40 inches (95th percentile)
For Adam's bowels. Dr Johnson (who is great) recommended lots of water, apple juice, and pear juice, which we do already except for the pear. We told him Adam eats healthy and that we'd cut out cheese, yogurt, and other dairy stuff. He told us to keep with the yogurt. It turns out that applesauce (Adam's staple) has an ingredient called pectin which may cause constipation. Apple juice doesn't have this. Eureka! We are going to drastically cut back on his applesauce consumption and see how things go. They took some blood from Adam (he'd never had this done) to check for lead, any thyroid issues, etc. This did not go too well. Adam moved when she was about to stick his left arm and then she had to do his right. They both may bruise. She said he had excellent veins, but he just couldn't stay still. By Bucky's order we went to KMart to get a toy for all the trauma.
Adam is a happy, healthy, and growing boy!
Weight: 35 pounds (85-90th percentile)
Height: 40 inches (95th percentile)
For Adam's bowels. Dr Johnson (who is great) recommended lots of water, apple juice, and pear juice, which we do already except for the pear. We told him Adam eats healthy and that we'd cut out cheese, yogurt, and other dairy stuff. He told us to keep with the yogurt. It turns out that applesauce (Adam's staple) has an ingredient called pectin which may cause constipation. Apple juice doesn't have this. Eureka! We are going to drastically cut back on his applesauce consumption and see how things go. They took some blood from Adam (he'd never had this done) to check for lead, any thyroid issues, etc. This did not go too well. Adam moved when she was about to stick his left arm and then she had to do his right. They both may bruise. She said he had excellent veins, but he just couldn't stay still. By Bucky's order we went to KMart to get a toy for all the trauma.
Adam is a happy, healthy, and growing boy!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Today's service went well. After church was the football game. It was frigid! Thought I'd share a picture of me and Sharon. Only Sharon can pull off earmuffs like that! Adam and I didn't stay long. Instead we came home and took naps. I had practice for the community Thanksgiving program tonight. Adam went to Teresa's. Tomorrow is Adam's 3 year checkup. Hopefully we can figure out some things to help with his crazy bowel situation.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Bucky has gone to the UK game with Heath and some other guys today. He left early, but says he'll be home for supper. Adam and I went out and about this morning. We hit the library, post office, Mighty Dollar, McD's for breakfast, KMart and Kroger. We were busy! The Jeep was brimming with stuff. I took it since Buck had the Trailblazer.
I got stuff at Kroger to make for tomorrow's meal before the flag football game between the Visionaries and the youth. I also got things for supper tonight. We're having "that Oriental salad" that Nora makes. It is divine. I've got chicken marinating too. Yum!
The three of us went to see Madagascar 2 last night. This was the first movie that we'd taken Adam to see. He'd seen one with KK last year I think. He enjoyed it. I know this because he wouldn't eat his popcorn and the kid LOVES popcorn or p-0-p corn as we call it.
Adam's napping now. I'm trying to get laundry done, church clothes ready, and make sure I'm read to lead worship tomorrow. Maybe I'll have time to read. I picked up three books at the library. Adam wanted dinosaur books today.
I got stuff at Kroger to make for tomorrow's meal before the flag football game between the Visionaries and the youth. I also got things for supper tonight. We're having "that Oriental salad" that Nora makes. It is divine. I've got chicken marinating too. Yum!
The three of us went to see Madagascar 2 last night. This was the first movie that we'd taken Adam to see. He'd seen one with KK last year I think. He enjoyed it. I know this because he wouldn't eat his popcorn and the kid LOVES popcorn or p-0-p corn as we call it.
Adam's napping now. I'm trying to get laundry done, church clothes ready, and make sure I'm read to lead worship tomorrow. Maybe I'll have time to read. I picked up three books at the library. Adam wanted dinosaur books today.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Rainy Friday
Last night we had an abbreviated praise team practice. Heath and Cody were at the visitation so we went through everything with Billy and Cody W. and said we'd hit it hard Sunday. Adam went to Mary and Gary's house. He was there for quite a while because Bucky and I went to the visitation. We arrived at RCHS at 7:30 and we did not get to see Royce and Erica until almost 9:30. The outpouring of support has been amazing. Iwas fine waiting until we got into the gym. There was a video of pictures and they had music and that's a combination that always speaks to me. I just had to quit watching the pictures. When we got to Royce and Erica, Royce hugged me and said, "Hey Mrs. Bucky." I told him that's what I wanted him to say. I couldn't think of much to say except we're thinking of you and then Bucky and Royce hugged. Royce is a man of small stature and it looked like Goliath hugging David. Bucky was very emotional which in turn makes me that way. Erica looked like any mother who just lost her 16 year old would look. Praise God they are Christians and have a hope and will find strength to get through this hard time. Anyway, it was 10 before I got to Mary's and then Adam was "wilder than a wood guinea" to use an RC term. It was 11 before he fell asleep. Bucky is doing opening prayer at the funeral. He said he was honored. In other news, it's raining today. Appropriate, I think.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
It's been a different couple of days. Luke Burton, 17 year old at RCHS and football player died from injuries due to a wreck yesterday morning. Obviously this affects our whole community, but especially since both his parents work for the school system. His visitation is tomorrow night and his funeral is at 2:3o on Friday at RCHS. School is dismissing at 11:30 on Friday to allow for everyone to go to the funeral.
Bucky did a different type service for Quench tonight in light of everything going on. It was very moving. He's gone with all the football coaches to see Royce and Erica tonight. He said it would be late.
Times like this remind me that life is fragile.
Bucky did a different type service for Quench tonight in light of everything going on. It was very moving. He's gone with all the football coaches to see Royce and Erica tonight. He said it would be late.
Times like this remind me that life is fragile.
Monday, November 3, 2008

Megan had Adam today from after Sunday School until about 3. I had a Worship Team meeting and Bucky had paintball. Megan had a small group lunch at Giovanni's so she took Adam. He ate cake that Nora had made and was still up when I got home. I decided not to let him take a nap today and let him go to bed early. So I took him to the waterfall at Woolen Mill. It's a beautiful place. We got in the water a little bit and he threw rocks. However, all this came to an ABRUPT halt when two ENORMOUS dogs came our way barking. There is a house down by the waterfall and the dogs belonged to its owner. She assured us we were fine to be down there but we pretty much made an exit. I mean, these dogs were HUGE and I didn't want any part of them. We are now back home. Bucky will be home in a bit and he'll change clothes and grab a bite before he leaves for Quench praise team practice. I'm not making much--some spinach and artichoke dip and maybe some chicken. Adam is wanting fish sticks he got at the new Columbia Super Walmart last night. Enough for now.....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween was awesome! Adam was too cute in his costume. I could have posted every picture we took but I kept it to a minimum. Here's how our night went.
I put Adam in his costume about 4:30. He went outside and played like a madman. We kicked, tackled, ran, and he tried to catch. I was already in my cheerleader outfit from school. Bucky came home close to five and got on his coach clothes. He even put on a whistle to complete the outfit which I thought was a nice touch.
First we went to Mary and Gary's. Gary snapped some photos of us (he is AWESOME at this and the top two on the blog are his work) and then Adam and Mary played footbal. She had a huge pumpkin full of stuff for him. Then we went the Emerson's house. Teresa had dressed up their dog Scooby Doo like a pirate. Some of her family was there too. There were a set of 2o month old twins and a 3 year old. They were the Doodle-Bops. Next we went to JCC for Trunk or Treat. Adam did great there and said Trick or Treat at every car. Finally we ended up at Buddy and Sharon's. Sharon was on the front porch dressed as Granny Clampett of the Beverly Hillbillies. Her office always dresses up in a theme. We visited there for awhile and the headed for the Lakers game. This was particularly embarassing considering I had my hair in pigtails and wearing a cheer outfit. I'm hoping all eyes were on Adam. He really hammed it up I thought. He was so proud of his cleats (compliments of one of his heroes Henry Bertram) and I think they may him kind of swagger. Plus, the outfit fit snug, probably because of the ever lingering diaper (another story) and so you could really watch him move. We didn't stay long at the game because we were all starving. We went to The Cove. Adam got fish bites and ate pretty much all of them. We came on home and started winding down. It didn't take Adam long to go to bed and he's not up yet this morning. As a bonus, I slept until 7:30. Sweet sugar!
Bucky is doing something with the sixth grade traveling football team. He knew about this yesterday. This means he'll be gone all day. Yuck! I was hoping to head over to Columbia's new Super Walmart. He and I may go. We may have to eat Halloween candy for lunch if we don't.
On another note, Happy Birthday to Megan Walters!
I put Adam in his costume about 4:30. He went outside and played like a madman. We kicked, tackled, ran, and he tried to catch. I was already in my cheerleader outfit from school. Bucky came home close to five and got on his coach clothes. He even put on a whistle to complete the outfit which I thought was a nice touch.
First we went to Mary and Gary's. Gary snapped some photos of us (he is AWESOME at this and the top two on the blog are his work) and then Adam and Mary played footbal. She had a huge pumpkin full of stuff for him. Then we went the Emerson's house. Teresa had dressed up their dog Scooby Doo like a pirate. Some of her family was there too. There were a set of 2o month old twins and a 3 year old. They were the Doodle-Bops. Next we went to JCC for Trunk or Treat. Adam did great there and said Trick or Treat at every car. Finally we ended up at Buddy and Sharon's. Sharon was on the front porch dressed as Granny Clampett of the Beverly Hillbillies. Her office always dresses up in a theme. We visited there for awhile and the headed for the Lakers game. This was particularly embarassing considering I had my hair in pigtails and wearing a cheer outfit. I'm hoping all eyes were on Adam. He really hammed it up I thought. He was so proud of his cleats (compliments of one of his heroes Henry Bertram) and I think they may him kind of swagger. Plus, the outfit fit snug, probably because of the ever lingering diaper (another story) and so you could really watch him move. We didn't stay long at the game because we were all starving. We went to The Cove. Adam got fish bites and ate pretty much all of them. We came on home and started winding down. It didn't take Adam long to go to bed and he's not up yet this morning. As a bonus, I slept until 7:30. Sweet sugar!
Bucky is doing something with the sixth grade traveling football team. He knew about this yesterday. This means he'll be gone all day. Yuck! I was hoping to head over to Columbia's new Super Walmart. He and I may go. We may have to eat Halloween candy for lunch if we don't.
On another note, Happy Birthday to Megan Walters!
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