Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Look carefully and you can see Adam's drawing on his marker board. It's of his hand and he traced it himself. We had been playing "Teacher" this afternoon and I had gone up front to do something. He came and told me to come look at his hand and this is the picture I saw. He was very proud, and even more so after I took the picture.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Welcome home to Kim. She's back from her cruise!

We will welcome home Adam today. I'm meeting Mom and Dad in Danville. I am looking forward to an Adam hug for sure. Pretty soon the house will be back to normal--cars everywhere and train tracks out. Life is good.

Bucky and I have had a good week. Thursday was the best night. I made a roast with all the vegetables and we just hung out here watching Survivor and CSI:. We have relaxed but Bucky says he maybe got too much sleep. That didn't really happen to me I don't think. I had breakfast duty this week so I had to be at school in the gym by 7. I did get in some afternoon naps that I don't usually get to enjoy.

I have a few things to do today before I leave. I volunteered to teach our Sunday School class for a while so I need to make sure I'm ready for that. I'll also try to get our church clothes ready for tomorrow. Bucky has Upward all day so he'll crash this afternoon. I can picture an easy night at hoome for all THREE of us.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bucky and Susan Updates

We did not find out the gender of the baby this time. We got to listen to the heartbeat and then he sent me for some blood work that checks for Downs and other issues. We did this with Adam. I go back in three weeks and he said we get to see the baby and hopefully find out what it is. The wait to see the doctor was FOREVER. We were both growing delutional (is that how you spell that?). They called Shirley Elliott, and Bucky said, "Come on, that's you." He kept me in stitches which did make time go by faster.

Bucky and I both got our Valentine "roses" in the form of new tennis shoes. We found a good buy at Shoe Show.

I went to Kroger tonight. We had NOTHING. Really, we were down to water and expired eggs in the frigdge.

Adam is doing great in Cynthiana. He's not napping during the day so he's really resting well at night according to Mom and Dad. They are amazed at his computer skills.

Today's sign that I'm officially losing it: Tonight as I was emptying the dish washer I found that I not only had washed spoons and forks, but also a black Sharpie pen. Believe it or not, it still works.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's been a busy week! Next week may be busy, but it may be a little different since Adam will be in Cynthiana all week. He'll be at Gran and Granddad's tomorrow until Wednesday and then at Nana and Poppy's Wednesday to Saturday, the 21st! I've got him all packed up. We are to meet Nana and Poppy in Danville tomorrow.

Bucky has said we'll go to Bowling Green tomorrow after Upward. I am needing to look for some clothes and we'll get my annual Valentine roses, which come in the form of new tennis shoes. I think we are planning on Red Lobster for supper. Bring on the salmon!

Not much else to share that I can think of. We do go to the doctor on Monday to see about the baby. We might get to find out what it is. Any thoughts?

Monday, February 9, 2009

The ski trip was nice. Adam and I ended up going at the last minute. Adam had a bit of an earache that developed Friday night, but after a big nap at the ski lodge, he felt much better. He enjoyed riding in the new church bus.
Today was church. Adam took two small trains with him to church. On the way there he said, "Momma, Jesus wants me to share and he rides on a camel." Then he said something about Jesus living in Lexington and I said Jesus is everywhere because he lives in your heart. "And in my belly?"' was his answer.
We played outside this afternoon. We played kickball and Adam rode his bike for quite a bit. He can fly!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

We are home from school today. We don't have much snow but IT IS COLD! We are going to brave the weather to go out and about and run a few errands today. We are meeting Bucky for lunch. Tonight is church and I have the nursery. They are showing Fireproof so it will be an extended service from 6-8. I know several of the babies are sick so I don't know how many I'll have. Not a lot to tell. Check out the new Adam pictures. He's full of it!

Monday, February 2, 2009

It was eye opening to go to the UK game yesterday. Once we hit Madison County on I75 there was a noticable change as far as ice. Lexington has lots of snow and Poppy said Cynthiana has much more than that. We did some donuts (Adam's firsts) in the Fazoli's parking lot. He loved it and I laughed so hard until a cop came by. He didn't stop but it did put the hiatus on things as Dad would say.

Unfortunately the Cats lost by 1. Adam and KK had fun at the movies. They saw Hotel for Dogs. We all met up at Rafferty's for a yummy supper. Adam had not napped at all so he fell asleep on the way home. I put him in bed (took off shoes, but left jacket) when we got home and he slept until about 2:15. He was wide awake since he'd first fallen asleep about 7 or so I guess. He wondered why we hadn't read books and we read one, he wanted his pajamas on, but he could not get settled. Rather than fight it, we went up front and I let him watch Cars. I slept until he told me that he had pooped. We changed pull-up, finished the movie, and I was back in my bed at 6:15. He's still asleep now. We are going to Sunday School and second service. I've got a meeting after church (yuck!) and Bucky has to get ready for the Super Bowl party so Megan is coming to the house.

Better go take my shower and get ready.

By the way, I saw Kenny "Sky" Walker at the game yesterday. Anyone jealous?