Monday, March 30, 2009

It's been a busy weekend. Friday all three of us went to Somerset to eat at Sonny's. The night included a Walmart trip. On the way home, there was a wreck that had just happened about 12 miles from Jamestown. We pulled over to help and it turned out to be a kid from our church. The wierd thing is, Bucky had just visited he and his family that afternoon. Weird. We were there for a while and then headed to Russell Springs where Heath was waiting in the KMart parking lot for us. He wanted to give Bucky his birthday present--a gift card to The Cove to eat and a certificate for a night of free child care. Adam will LOVE spending the night with Heath. He said we can redeem it anytime.

Saturday was cleaning day. We cleaned out the garage, and the shed, and then began cleaning and prepaing the spare bedroom to become Adam's room. It feels good to get rid of and go through stuff but we were both exhausted and sore after it all. Adam's room and our garage is a work in progress. Adam was so funny. When he came out and saw the garage was clean he asked, "Is this my new room?"

Today was busy. I had wanted to go to church yesterday to make some copies/burn CDs for Easter but it didn't get done. Adam and I got to church at 8:3o to do those things, I taught S.S. at 9:30 and then went to late service. Allison brought Adam home since Bucky and I both had meetings. Luckily, they didn't last all afternoon and we all three got much needed naps today. Adam apparently needed one since he was not well behaved in Toddler Church today. I SO appreciate Erica for telling me about this. It was hard to punish him immediately because he came home with Allison, took a nap, and then Megan was here at 5 to watch him so we could go back to church for Easter practice. Anyway, tonight he does not get to watch a show and then Bucky said that he wasn't going to let him watch anything tomorrow morning. He and I have talked some about behavior and we will talk much more about this on Wednesday before church.

Tomorrow is back to the grind, but it's the last week before a (much needed) Spring Break. Bucky has church league ball Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and he umpires an RCMS ballgame on Friday. Sounds like it will be me and Adam at home this week. I'm hoping it will be much warmer than today. It's been very chilly today, especially with the wind.

Have a great week, everybody. I'll be 24 weeks pregnant on Thursday. :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Birthday Fun

Adam loves to help in the kitchen, especially when I make a cake. Here he is helping make Bucky's cake! I think he likes the "clean up" better than the actual baking.

Happy weekend!

Friday, March 27, 2009

It's Thursday already. Where do the weeks go? Bucky has been busy with church league ball and church and so Adam and I have been busy here at home. He is really making some of his letters well. He cranked out a nearly perfect A (sense the bias?) while signing Bucky's birthday card. Today is his 32nd birthday. Adam and I have baked a cake and we are having a good meal: pork tenderloin, sweet potatoes, okra, any other vegetables I can reheat from the week, and then of course the cake and ice cream. Adam thinks it's a real "party" so I have a birthday table cloth and I've got some glow in the dark bracelets for us to wear. Anything for fun, right?

The Jeep is gone. It sold at an auction in Bowling Green last night. This is good, but leaving us with the decision of what to get for Bucky to drive. No fun.

The baby is really moving now. Sometimes I get so tickled when he moves, especially during church or something. I'm 23 weeks today. We are going to hopefully start doing some cleaning/organizing/planning to get things ready for July 23rd. It will be here before you know it and I want things done early since Bucky's early summer schedule is crazy.

Better go. Bucky and Adam are home. Woo Hoo!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Adam and I are in Cynthiana. We got here last night about 6 EST. Mom had supper ready. Nana and Poppy came by to visit later on. Today Mom and I went to Walmart and around and Adam and Granddad have played outside. Kim came about 1 and we ate Leono's. We've played and visited and even hunted Easter eggs in the front two rooms. Hilarious! Kim has just left to go back to Louisville. Adam and I are heading back in the morning and will arrive at JCC for Sunday School since I'm teaching. Adam is down for a late nap. We won't let him sleep long or it will be a late night! Too late for an early morning especially.

Bucky's in Jtown playing golf and now he's at the Upward basketball closing program. His birthday is this Thursday. I don't know what we'll do!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Yesterday was our first golf outing. Adam had a big time. We played with Buddy and Nick so he really had to use his golf etiquette and be quiet when others were hitting. Sometimes he just can't hush so this is hard. He's got a lot to say. Overall, he did really well though. We came home and had salmon for supper. Yummo! It wasn't as good as Red Lobster's or KK's on the grill, but it hit the spot for sure.

I have a training today at the state park for writing. Rene' is picking me up in a little bit. It's from 9-4. It should be interesting, what with all the changes.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Can you believe these pictures on March 13th!
We are out of school and I couldn't resist taking Adam out to make some memories and get some pictures. He had a blast!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We're thinkin' blue!

Woo Hoo! We're having a boy! Today was our doctor's visit and everything is going great! We got to see the baby and he's super cute. When I saw his face on that scream I couldn't help but cry. It's wonderful to see his heart, his spine, his legs, his arms. but this face is simply amazing! He weighs a whopping 12 ounces. We go back in a month.

Adam is excited. He said, "He'll be a boy and he'll grow and grow and grow." We will move Adam to the front bedroom complete with a fresh paint job and big boy furniture. We'll convert Adam's bed back to a crib and leave the same decor.

I know so many people wanted us to have a girl, but I couldn't be more happy to know it's a little boy. I've always pictured myself with two boys. I told Bucky that this way I get to keep my throne as the queen of the house. Ha!

Bucky has gone to watch the Lakers in Bowling Green. Adam and I dined at Sonic before getting gas and coming home. I think tonight will be an easy, breezy time at home.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's been a great Saturday. Today I took Adam to register for tee ball. It's a 3 and 4 year old boy and girl league. It was hard for him to understand why we didn't take his bat and ball. I don't know when the season starts. This will be an adventure--our first adventure with organized sports.

While we were out and about we hit Dollar General, the post office, JCC, the Christian bookstore, and the playground. We ate when we got home and then went outside and played tee ball for quite a while. I had told Bucky that I wasn't going to let Adam nap today and then he'd go to bed early to make up for the time change. Bucky said when he got home that he'd take Adam golfing. This plan did not work. Adam could not hold his eyes open and fell asleep about 2:45. Bucky came home a little before 4 and Adam would not/could not get up. It was 5 before I could get him to do anything, and at some points I felt like I was yelling at him. He had no recollection of Bucky coming home and so expected to go golfing. He was disappointed.

We've had supper, hid Easter eggs (I put out my spring things today) and have watched a little TV. Bucky is napping on the couch and Adam is in the tub. I'm wishing for an early bedtime because I'd like to watch the CSI: with Taylor Swift that we have DVRed. I'd say we won't get to it tonight.

The bake sale/chili supper/servant auction went extremely well on Friday night. The kids made 3,ooo dollars for the summer mission trip. My Holy Cow cake went for 65 dollars I think and Whitney (who wanted it SO badly) didn't get it. I've promised her one.

Adam is 3 1/2 today. Woo Hoo!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bucky was involved in a wreck on Monday. He rear ended a truck. Everyone is fine. He is a little sore, but this could be a combination of the wreck, working out, and playing two games of basketball and refereeing one that night.

Adam told me that I'm his "best girl in the whole world" the other night. Priceless.

Sickness abounds at our school. I keep thinking we'll miss a day due to sickness but no such luck.

Not much else other than the usual stuff. I thought I had more to write, but that's about it.

Happy Birthday to Sharon today!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

You never know what Adam will do to pass the time. As you can see, he has found a new friend in his toy box. He's emptied the ENTIRE thing out and has been playing in it. He takes little treasures in there with him. He pulls the lid down and everything. He is unpredictable to say the least.

Adam and I went to Columbia Walmart for few things this morning and then went to Union Chapel. This year we cannot have any posters dealing with content up in our rooms in order to comply with new testing regulations. I worked today to take down posters, clean, and organize some things. I am SORE! I mean, SORE! I did all kinds of things. These were things I wanted to get done before I get large and in charge....

We came home, ate lunch, and took much needed naps. Bucky had Upward all day and then had to make a visit. We had burgers, tater tots, and baked beans (Adam's request) for supper and then ice cream for dessert. Well, Bucky had his normal peanut butter and chocolate milkshake made by yours truly. Bucky is exhausted after a long week. He's trying to rest while Adam is playing. Kind of hard with him playing piano, blowing his train whistle while in the toy box, and with me going back and forth doing laundry and now typing right behind his head. Something tells me he'll sleep just fine. It's rained here most of the day. Tomorrow is church.

Adam's new adjective of the week: HUMONGOUS, used to describe any hills we go up while driving :)