Luke and I are home tonight. We all put on our Laker wear and were headed to the Laker Homecoming. However, the rain put an end to that. It was only sprinkling and was probably going to stop when I made the decision to come home. Since I'm going for Mother of the Year I figured Mr. Eight Weeks Old didn't need to be out in the cool, damp weather. I'm watching the game on the Duo-County channel. It's cool because I can see Buck and Adam on the sidelines. Superstars!
It's been a pretty uneventful week. We play cars and read books and do projects and the days come and go. Hard to believe I don't really have that much more time here at home. While I am an early bird for the most part, it will be different to actually have to "get ready" when I get up when I do go back to school. It will be hard to get back to reality.
Adam's funny thing of the day: Today while I was feeding Luke he got behind my chair and was very quiet. When he came out he had a funny look on his face. I looked down and he had filled his underwear with Hot Wheel cars. There must have been 10 in there! It was hilarious! He always says, "Does that crack you up?" This certainly did!
Luke is smiling and cooing more and more each day. We are making 6 oz. bottles for the most part for him. He doesn't always finish the whole thing, but usually takes more than 4 oz.
Gonna go play with my little fella. Life is good.