There's a boy in Adam's class that is "bad" according to Adam. He's been this way for some time. The other night we prayed for him so he could be "good." Here's my conversation today with Adam.
Adam: Mooommm (This is his new thing. He says my name and then waits to collect his thoughts). Guess what? Brandon was good today!
Susan: Oh, Adam. I'm so glad. Remember we prayed about that and it must have helped.
Adam: (Pause, pause, and more pause.) Moooommm. The blessings come down as the prayers go up, right?
Susan: (Amazed and singing those words to The Wise/Man Foolish man tune in my head) That's right.
Other recent. Adam quotes.
"Guess what? Today I got to take a nap by the blocks!" This must be a big deal.
Adam: Guess what? Eli was there today. I told him I miss him.
Me: What did he say?
Adam: He didn't say nothing to me.
We are getting ready to head for church if I can do a few things before.
School is good. I feel like a stranger in a foreign land though. All is good but I can't find a thing in my room. I put things from UC up so quick that I don't know where anything is. It's enough to drive me crazy!