Easter 2011 was simply great! We had an awesome service at church, we ate wonderful food in Cynthiana, and got to be with family. Really, it was an awesome day. Here are the boys after church. This wooden fence is a favorite spot of mine.

Well, we tried to create warm, fuzzy memories by dying eggs. It was not as picture perfect as we would have liked it but oh well.

Luke did fairly well with the eggs. We stuck him with yellow and figured it would be the lightest color if he did make a mess.

Easter morning. You'd think the boys sleep on different continents the way they are dressed. :)

Adam is so silly. He held up some of his treasures.

This is Adam with his friend, Kaden. Kaden and his mom have been coming to church. It's sweet because Kaden came because of Adam. Neat!

We had to hunt eggs inside at GCC. It was still fun and the boys got plenty.

Mr. Luke. This kid is energy on two legs. He definitely stretches me to new heights when it comes to parenting. I've got a feeling I'll be ready many books on strong-willed children. Shew! Good thing he's cute.

Adam Rees

I played Miryam in our Easter drama. Bucky totally dug his role as a Barbarian. Notice the spear?