Friday, May 30, 2008


Adam is so funny and creative. Case in point: It seems his Bengals golf club is both a kite and a teacher "pointer." Last night he was holding up the club and told me he was flying his kite. He made it go really high and said the wind was blowing. Then, today he was in the spare bedroom and he was singing his ABC's (yes, all 26 letters and very clear) and he was tapping the wall and the door. He said, "I'm a teacher." I know that Ms. Sharon used to point to the letters in her room and he's modeling that. Isn't that funny! He and I have had a big day. Puzzles, tents, button sorting and a walk up a lane to name a few things. It's time to think about a nap. I've been cross-stitching while Adam sleeps. It'd been a long time since I'd done any of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the cheesy smile in the button sorting picture. That is so cute. Corey went through a stage and that is how he smiled. Talk to you later. -Amy