Friday, October 24, 2008

Adam and I were outside for over an hour today. We found all kinds of things to put in this container Nancy had given us. It came complete with magnifiying glass. We found one HUGE grasshopper, another BIG grasshopper, and four small grasshoppers. We also found one feather and some neat grass (go figure) that Adam wanted to put in the container. He thought all this was so cool. After we would put something in the container he'd say, "Come on, Mom, we've got work to do."

Bucky is running sound for Gail's praise team and tonight is practice. It will be a later date night. I think he's bringing home pizza so I'll try not to snack until it's here. We have yet to watch last week's CSI: but I can't wait for Survivor or "big kids" as Adam calls it. Jon and Kate Plus 8 is watching "little kids."

Tomorrow is Friday. Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

Sherry Kenney said...

I need to see a pic of the new 'do.