Monday, December 29, 2008

We Had Ourselves a Merry Little Christmas

Christmas 2008 is one to remember for lots of reasons. It's the first year that Adam really "got"' Christmas. He learned Christmas carols, could tell (in his version) the Christmas story , and he thoroughly enjoyed the lights, the gifts, and the different aspects of Christmas. He made Christmas special for us.
We had a blast in Cynthiana. Adam received lots of clothes and toys. He got a bike with training wheels at Gran and Granddad's house. With the unseasonably warm weather on Saturday, he got to ride on thier sidewalk a whole bunch. He does really well. He amuses himself and gets this weird, silly grin of satisfaction on his face. I love watching him. It was wonderful to be with family and we enjoyed some great meals. Mom's pimiento cheese, noodles and dressing made the Walters' way, hashbrown casserole on Christmas morning, divine-tasting salmon, and the token Leono's meal, the list goes on and on. I enjoy eating way too much. Dad used to ask me if I live to eat or eat to live. Hmmm....
In saving the best for last, I'm sure you've noticed the three pictures on the side. These are Nana's, Gran's, and Granddad's reactions to the news that WE'RE EXPECTING A BABY! Our due date is July 23rd. I am a little over 10 weeks along. We are so pumped and can't wait for another little bundle of joy. Adam really doesn't know about this news yet. He's been oblivious to it, but we'll explain it at the right time. I think he'll make a great big brother. Keep us in your prayers as this little baby (named Peanut by Dr. Crosslin) continues to grow and develop and as we prepare for its arrival. Praise God!


kim_brough said...

Love Dad's expression in that picture. And it's Peanutta, the female version of Peanut. ;-)

melton said...

Congrats! I can't wait. Lots of love.

Mollie said...

The reactions are priceless! Congratulations!

jjshirey said...


Sherry Kenney said...

I'm so happy for you all!

neace3232 said...

Congrats! Love the way you shared it with your family. We're excited for you guys.