The spare bedroom is clean! There is nothing in it except for a few of Adam's games in the closet. All it needs is to be vacummed and it's finished. We are so excited. All the hard work has paid off. Now we can start looking for Adam's furniture and paint colors. He says he wants his walls blue and that he wants Lakers. I think we'll do a sports theme and insert some Laker stuff here and there. We've only had one snag in all our home improvement efforts. Bucky was going to put together the cabinet for the laundry room and one of the pieces was cracked. He called and they will send a piece soon. Other than that, it's been smooth sailing.
We went to the doctor today. All is well. I go tomorrow morning to have the sugar test done. It's going to work out great because I'll drop Bucky off at 8, go to Somerset, and then head to Lexington to get Adam. I hope to get our Easter duds while I'm there. He's had a great time in Cynthiana and it will be great to see him. Bucky will be on a trip with the youth and will be home on Friday.
Today's sign that I'm losing it: As usual, Carol, our nurse, weighed me first thing. I asked to see what it had been last time and then I looked at my beginning weight. After this she told me to give a urine sample. Well, I got all caught up in trying to do the math (not my forte' to say the least) to see how much weight I've gained, that I totally sat down down and peed and never even grabbed a cup! I didn't realize this until I went to flush. So I had to go out and whisper to Carol that I'd had my blonde moment of the day. She laughed and blamed it on the pregnancy, and said I'm not the first to do this. It was hilarious!