Yesterday's Highlights
Bucky golfed in the morning and Adam and I played outside. What a gorgeous day!
We went to Lexington! We shopped at Hamburg. We found Adam's bedding at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I don't think we'll be able to do his blue walls like he wanted, but that's how it would be with all the sports patterns. Too much blue and too dark! We'll have to look at paint colors and furniture soon. Adam is very excited about this process.
We met Jon and Karen at Backyard Burgers to eat and then it was off to the Legends game. These are always a blast. We had seats behind home plate. They were awesome. Adam got a ball signed by Big L. One of the ushers gave it to him. He liked that, but I think he liked the popcorn even more.
We got home around 11. Bucky is preaching this morning, and if I don't hop in the shower we'll be late for Sunday School and second service.
Have a great Sunday!
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