Believe it or not I am getting internet at the house. It is slower than molasses but it is still a link to the outside world. I couldn't find my "real" mouse so I couldn't do much with all the pictures. Here are just a few I found that I thought were good enough for sharing. My camera is FULL of pictures but I've just got to go through and edit, save, the whole deal.
Adam played tee ball tonight. He hit one of the tee and two from the coach pitching. After the game we came home and played another hour of ball outside. I was all time pitcher and Adam and Gage, the boy next door, were the batters. Luke was the cheering section. Bucky is at church camp this week but he comes home at night and then doesn't go back until later in the day. I think Adam may go with him tomorrow and all of us will go on Wed. to hear him speak.
We are having a great summer so far. All is well.
This picture is of us on Easter. We celebrate 10 years this month and we are taking a cruise next week to celebrate. Bring on the fun!

Luke loves to put this is baskets, buckets, etc. and then take them out. He loves to play. He is close to crawling. He mostly goes backward now. He has developed this scowl thing he does that we can't decide is cute or not.

Luke loves to watch Adam and Callie. This is a shot from the other night. Yum.
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