In other news, Adam and Bucky went to the Legends game on Monday night. Adam got a foul ball! A man a few rows up caught it and gave it to him. In the past, Adam has been afraid of Big L but that night he gave Big L high five and let him sign the ball. He's growing up!
We played ball last night in the backyard. All three of us hit home runs while Luke was all over the place. He was the dirtiest he'd ever been and the rest of us were sweating like crazy even though it was after 8. In fact, Luke's bath water was brown. Let me tell you that it's hard to get dirt out of those rolls on his knees. He did get a few bug bites on his face so I'll have to spray him/lotion him next time.
Don't know what we'll get into today. I need a grocery trip and Adam needs to turn in his reading log for the library reading program. Bucky leaves us (again) tomorrow to go to King's Island. Not sure what we'll do.
Here comes Luke. Better go.
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