Friday, May 2, 2008

Well, I don't think the kids set any records today, but it's over. On a positive note, the last day of school is now MAY 23! YES! We got the email today. No more June 4 for me!

Bucky got a call to umpire again tonight. He's doing two games--one in the field and one behind the plate. Guess we'll watch Survivor when he gets home.

Adam used the potty at daycare today. Woo Hoo!


KK said...

So, like how did you all get an entire 2 weeks wiped off?

kim_brough said...

1. I also want to know the answer to KK's question.

2. Who in the world is that enormous boy in the picture to the right????????????????????????

Sherry Kenney said...

Let me preface this by saying I have not slept so well the last couple of nights and really need a nap...but when I first read kk's post I thought the "wiped off" referred to Adam's going potty at the daycare, and not the school calendar. Anyway, congrats on the new end date and on the potty! Also, what is the big event you all are getting dressed up for?