Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another day=another snow day! I don't really know what we're going to do with ourselves today. Bucky's day off was yesterday so we had a super time with us all being home. Everyone except Adam had naps, we had a great supper, enjoyed a dance party, and then watched Survivor and a (very fast thanks to DVR) American Idol. One of the interesting highlights yesterday was waking up from a nap with Adam saying, "Look what I did!" He was beside my bed with no clothes on! He thought it was so funny!

Luke is going to Berry this weekend since Bucky, Adam and I are going tubing on Sunday. This will be an all day affair. Adam has been counting down the days. I hope he enjoys it.

Luke said Da Da last nght. He's really been getting good with his g and c sounds and out of nowhere starts on his d sound last night. It was so neat! Right now he's sitting in his high chair with no food. He just likes it there.

Better go and do something productive today. In a perfect world, we'd spread out these snow days instead of having them all together.


kim_brough said...

Wow. You must have gotten more snow your way. It's all gone here, exept for the piles in parking lots. I (FINALLY!!) get to run outside today.

melton said...

We had another snow day on Thursday. Our last day is now JUNE 7TH! I don't know if I can make it that long. Also, thanks for the birthday gift. You know I love the Dollar Tree!