Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Home Again, Home Again

No school again today in Russell County although I'm not really sure why. Maybe snow, cold weather, or a boil water advisory. Maybe I'll solve this mystery later in the day.

We had our doctor's visit yesterday. It was one of those quick visits, but we had to wait for quite a while in the waiting room. We got to listen to the heart rate. It was 153. Most websites say this means it's a girl but who knows if that's true or not. We found out for sure that Dr. Crosslin will be out of town for his 20th anniversary on our due date. This upset me at first but then I realized that it's no big deal in the whole big picture. Yes, Dr. Crosslin was great with Adam, but I know someone else can do a good job too. He wants me to see Dr. Bruner a few times since he will probably deliver.

Don't know what we'll get into today. Bucky is headed to Knoxville to eat wings with the guys at church tonight. They are taking the new bus. All I know is that I will not be worth a dime when I actually have to DO something during the day.


melton said...

I hear ya! I have been off more than I have worked in the new year. Ha!

kim_brough said...

Must be TERRIBLE, all those days off. How do you stand it?? :)