Thursday, June 4, 2009

Today seems like the first "real" day of summer. Monday I had PD all day and yesterday we had a doctor's appointment in Somerset. Adam has been getting up early. Today it was a little before 7 and he comes our room and says, "I think I need some breakfast." He devoured two pancakes! We did some things inside. We worked at his little table and worked some puzzles and did some "school" books. We spent about an hour outside playing ball and walking up the lane. He ate all his lunch and then asked for something else to eat. He is a growing boy!

Tonight is the last night of VBS. It's been good but very tiring. I've been with Adam's group. I hadn't planned on it but we've had some meltdowns and I feel like he needs my presence. These "spells" he has are no fun and put me in a rotten mood. Tomorrow night is Adam's first tee ball game and I'm hoping, no praying, that things go smoothly with no tears. We also have praise team practice tomorrow after the ball game.

I am ready to do some things to my room at school, but I think I'll wait until next week unless I feel very motivated on Friday. We'll see.

Better go. Have a great summer!

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